Bogturtle's Garden- March 1-15, 2023


The Japanese Cornel or C. officianalis. At least 2 weeks earlier than the much better known European species Cornus mas. Thomas Jefferson grew C. mas at Monticello. 

Witch-Hazel named Hamamelis 'Arnold Promise' once again. And again, against the helpful dark background of the Hemlock trees. The photo also shows one strange rust colored sprout that must be from the rootstock upon which 'Arnold Promise' was grafted. 

Gardening is still amazing, and full of questions. Edgeworthia chrysantha has been here for years. Totalled when someone watching the gardens neglected it in a summer drought. It came back over two years, but now only the green buds show it's alive. Aside from this single cluster, an inch and a half wide, not one other, of the hundreds of buds shriveled, will bloom. A fragrant flower, but that doesn't mean much to me. 

Many photos of deer in the trail camera set to see out entry drive. A nightly thing, but this photo seems especially nice. Almost never a buck, although anterless males may be selected by our hunting laws. At any rate, with half the births male, just females being unhunted results in too many deer. That's why NJ has occasional doe days. 

My wife put together this bowl of Daffodils from the hundreds all over here. When these fade, there will be other sorts available.

Helleborus x hybridus is, apparently, the proper name for my Lenton Roses. While pricey, in most cases, they are supposed to be easy from fresh seed. Mine like where they are, with scattered sunlight, and, since I did not stop them from seeding about, there are many young ones coming from the two originals. Generally down facing flowers, which is not ideal. The colors available, and that some are doubled flowers, makes me want some more. Apparently there are sorts that bloom much earlier, or perhaps in climates where they would bloom at Christmas, as some are called Christmas Roses. 
If I were featuring mine, to prompt a sale, I would have removed or trimmed leaves that show any Winter damage. 


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