
Showing posts from March, 2023

Bogturtle's Garden- March 15-end, 2023or

 Seems early, with the other Spring blooming camellia only in bud. This is the sort that carried red tips all Winter, so I guess that's why it was named 'Red Candles'. In the shade of a high Holly tree, it's   thriving.  This rather grasslike little Spring ephemeral is, nevertheless, quite different from the Daffodils, Crocus, etc. The leaves emerge in Fall and line the walk, here, all Winter. Ipheion uniflorum. The Spring Starflower. Only about 4 inches tall, with one inch wide blooms. My wife put together this little vase for the windowsill. Ipheon uniflora again, I believe, but with darker, and slightly smaller blooms. I. u. 'Rolf Feidler'. This Corydalis, which is purchased as a bulb, is blooming away again in the little rock garden. Corydalis solida 'G.P. Baker'.  The dwarf, red barked Japanese Maple, Acer platanum 'Fjelheim' has the most brilliant red twigs. 'Sango Kaku' is also red, but not as brilliant. But that one keeps the red ...

Bogturtle's Garden- March 1-15, 2023

  The Japanese Cornel or C. officianalis. At least 2 weeks earlier than the much better known European species Cornus mas. Thomas Jefferson grew C. mas at Monticello.  Witch-Hazel named Hamamelis 'Arnold Promise' once again. And again, against the helpful dark background of the Hemlock trees. The photo also shows one strange rust colored sprout that must be from the rootstock upon which 'Arnold Promise' was grafted.  Gardening is still amazing, and full of questions. Edgeworthia chrysantha has been here for years. Totalled when someone watching the gardens neglected it in a summer drought. It came back over two years, but now only the green buds show it's alive. Aside from this single cluster, an inch and a half wide, not one other, of the hundreds of buds shriveled, will bloom. A fragrant flower, but that doesn't mean much to me.  Many photos of deer in the trail camera set to see out entry drive. A nightly thing, but this photo seems especially nice. Almost ne...