Bogturtle's Garden- Feb. 15th to end, 2023

Chimonanthus praecox, The Wintersweet, blooms at a back corner of the house, along with the Witch-Hazel, that is a later bloomer, called 'Arnold Promise'. That is a clear yellow, and where the unimpressive dark mahogany colored clone came from is a mystery. Often, because some sorts are prone to disease, a desired type, like Arnold Promise is grafted onto a more disease resistant rootstock.  And often that rootstock, unfortunately, sends out unwanted sprouts.  

Just another photo of Arnold Promise,  showing why a dark background is advantageous in photography of these plants. Tsuga canadensis, I think, is the proper name of the dark evergreen. The Canada Hemlock. 

In this photo the maroon centers show clearly among blooms of the Winter Sweet. 

In full bloom, Prunus mume, or Japanese Apricot, variety 'Peggy Clarke',  is already scattering some petals on the pools edge. 

Crocus thomasinianna, again, I think. Really just the spelling that may be inaccurate. But looking especially good, in the rock garden. Thousands all over, now. Widely scattered and not as impressive as these. These crowded blooms are probably from a single bulb planted years ago.  

Abeliophyllum distichum, I believe. Sometimes called, incorrectly, the White Forsythia. From Korea, but, apparently, not abundant there. Much too early, because Feb. has been unusually warm. Some Spring or Winter blooming plants can go through the worst of freezes and bounce back, unharmed. Others are totalled, and I have to wait another year to see them blooming nicely. I cannot say how A. distichum will fair, as really cold weather can still come. 

Rhododendron mucronulatum 'Alba' is unique in so many ways. Blooming in Winter and before the deciduous leaves show up. The tissue paper consistency of the flowers does not protect it from the slightest deep freeze. Almost without fail, the beautiful flowers are blasted by Winter. Yet it is from the desperately cold Country of Korea. The commoner sort is orchid or purple pink, and a rarer pure light pink clone also exists. That is called 'Cornel Pink'.

After showing the two Mahonia that bloom in Fall or early Winter, here is the Spring blooming sort, while Winter is still here.  M. bealii, I think. 


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