Bogturtle's Garden- January 2023


Such a pleasure to see, as, while bare in Winter, the little rock garden is practically weed free, after being depressingly overgrown with both wanted plants and pests. Already Daffodils have just poked out of the ground. 

Fully in bloom, the Witch Hazel, Hamamelis 'Rochester' will never be recommended by me, extraordinary as it is. In time, I suppose, the Van Belder family will come up with a match that sheds its leaves as completely as their selection 'Robert'. That is just showing the smallest amount of color, right now, and has never kept more than one or two leaves into bloom time. I did notice an odor as I walked by. Not unpleasant but not special. 

Another two Witch Hazels are just starting to a few opened buds.  H. 'Wisely Supreme' and H. 'Angelly'.

A bit of weather in the 50's and the blooms of the Wintersweet, Chimonanthus praecox continue to open. For about the first time the fine perfume was detectable as you walked near. Enough open, I guess. That smell might be what makes you notice these rather dull little flowers in some neighborhood. 

The Chinese species of bush Honeysuckle, Lonicera fragrantissima is opening. Typical for this time of year. And I actually saw a Honeybee on the bloom, but it left before I could get the camera out. Beautifully fragrant, it has never been a strong odor for me. As I say, every year, I believe the Chinese name translates as Breath Of Spring.

Growing in considerable shade of huge trees, I think this shrub would be much denser, with many more flowers, if grown in full Sun. It is another or the oriental species of Winter blooming Honeysuckles. Twin flowers only a half inch wide. Named Lonicera standishii, I believe. 

Unfortunately blurry, but the flowers are high up, and I had to use the zoom feature on my finepix camera. This is Hamamelis 'Wisely Supreme'.

In considerable shade, as is 'Wisely Supreme', Hamamelis 'Jelena' or 'Copper Beauty'.

The much more copper colored 'Robert'.  Soon to be shown in full bloom.

Hamamelis 'Robert' in full bloom on Jan. 18.

Actually out of the ground for a while, but today is the first sunny day. First day I have seen them open. The common Snowdrop. Probably Galanthus nivalis.

The Winter Jasmine, Jasminium nudiflorum, I believe, has hundreds of buds yet to open. I repeat and repeat, and this scandant, rambling ground cover is trained to scramble up on the pool deck fence. I think it breaks the rules as it is entirely scentless to me. 

Temperature, time, date correct. Songsparrow takes a selfie.  Probably a female, as the male has yellow just above the eye. Like the squirrels, the greatest waster of battery power.
 But more interesting to the plant lover is that the evergreen, behind the bird, Cupressus discussata Siberian Cypress, turns this grayish purple for the Winter. Not evergreen! A bright green all Summer.


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