Bogturtle's Garden- August 16-end, 2024
Ordering seed, I saw this particular Cosmo. In life a good deal more wine colored than pink, and I wish the camera was more accurate. The plants are tall and weak and have not made a good display, but individual blooms are great. So the best use would be for cut flowers, I suppose. Will order the seed again, perhaps, if none forms. Trying to trap the Groundhog. And that succeeded. But one of the traps still had some several day old pieces of apple. Fortunately, I was able to get this Opossum out of the trap without much fuss. My grandson gave me some Amaranth plants that he thought would give seed I could use as a grain. I asked, instead, if I would get seed for the birds. Apparently that could happen. I have a video of the Groundhog in this trap, and this is a snip of that video, as this format will not publish a 20 second long video. I had not seen the Groundhog for weeks, but it ran across my feet, to get into the safety of the barn when I passed t...