Bogturtle's Garden- January 2025
Extreme technology as a Christmas gift. This bird feeder is powered by a solar panel attached to the tree and takes photos of visitors. Then those are sent to my phone. If I can keep squirrels and racoons away, as I do on the other feeder, it should be fine. Really impressed by the Sun catching these trees, but a still photograph does not nearly approach what was. Still beautiful. Using my zoom feature and out the window. Had to adjust the angle of the camera, so more of the seed is shown. Will post, showing that improvement. And I mentioned I liked the baffle I made of galvanized metal for the old bird feeder. The flowers of Hamamelis 'Rochester'. One of the earliest of the Witch-Hazel varieties to come into bloom. The half inch wide flowers of the Wintersweet, Chimonanthus praecox. And it is amazing with its odor. Outside my church and still amazing for bark color, is the Japanese Maple named Sango Kaku. I filled the planter, for Christmas, with branches from the Ari...