Bogturtle's Garden- November 2024
Another 'Blue Shadow' Fothergilla. Nicely backed by dark green of a Leucothoe and Rhododendron. A shrub that would challenge the noted 'Burning Bush' Euonymus alata, seen everywhere. Shown not coloring as it should, being in considerable shade. This is Enkianthus perulatus, and even while not colored the scarlet, it seems brilliant and somewhat fluorescent. Very much surprised that the Japanese sort of Cornell, C. officianalis, has colored nicely. In the photo, the dark green, in the distance, is the more commonly known European Cornell, or Cornelian Cherry, C. mas. Shown before, Acer planatum 'Fjelheim' is taking on its usual Fall apricot color. I would not have planted either of the Halesias on the property for their Fall color, but they do turn a fine gold. This is Halesia triptera. The Hamamelis trio again, with Cornus mas to the right. The brightly colored, to the left, is a Sassafras tree. Certainly not welcome in the border of where we park. The brightl...