Bogturtle's Garden- October 2024, 16th to end
Looking from where we park, across the green mass of vines on the fence that hides the side of the above ground pool. The mass of golden yellow, down low is Aesculus parviflora. Now a real colony of two distinct clones. One of these Buckeyes blooms about two weeks earlier than the other, so they may not hybridize, but there are many poisonous buckeyes, this year, and many that have started up from other years. Taken from the front porch, the little tree shaped Peegee Hydrangea is on the left. Then the wild, typical white flowered Dogwood. Then the equally reddish Viburnum mariessi, and closest and overhead, the old red flowered Dogwood, planted the first year we got here. Never really work, this season, blowing the leaves off the drive must be done every couple of days. But the woods are beautiful and, today, the weather was perfect. Epimedium sufureum. Unusual that one tiny sprout has taken on red. The leaves will endure, but are so ratty by February that I string tr...