Bogturtle's Garden- May 21-31 2024
At the front of the house, the old Rhododendron chionoides, (if I spelled that right), is huge. A few blooms of an Iron Clad Red can also be seen. On the pole at one end of the pool deck, the climbing Rose 'Winner's Circle' competes with the Honeysuckle, Lonicera tellmanianna. One cluster of that is shown below. This may be the Clematis 'Duchess of Edinborough'. I don't recall buying it or planting it, and, on rare occasions, plants have come with other orders, probably without the seller even knowing they were immature specimens just accidentally in with the desired order. Pratia fluviatilis, Laurentia fluviatilis. Two names, I think, for the 'Blue Star Creeper'. Have not seen it, this year, in local places that would sell it. Often among plants of the brand 'Stepable', and I suppose it is. A little too much of a good thing, as Sensative Ferns, the Honeysuckle sold to me as 'Mandarin' and the red clone of the Honeysuckle Lonicera semp...