
Showing posts from April, 2024

April 14 to end, 2024

Enkianthus perulatus, with almost all flowers fallen. Grown only for the brilliant Fall foliage. Out by the bird feeder. Mazus repens 'Alba', repens meaning 'to creep'. A very low groundcover that is beautifully evergreen and usually a purple-pink colored flower. But I find it must not be allowed to be in very dry soil, and ours, here, is naturally sandy. This yard wide area is at one end of the lens shaped bed featuring Red Knockout Roses, just outside the bank of windows in the addition. It was more widespread, but drought took a lot out.  Kerria japonica 'Plena' again. Not sure what this white flowered plant is. Years ago I planted seed of both the normal, purple-pink for of the old fashioned cottage garden plant called Dame's Rocket. This may be the white flowered sort, and I would much rather, if either have survived, I have the white. I think it was a little to vigorous for my small perennial area, and it may have seeded, somehow, along the path that l...

Bogturtle's Garden- April 1-14, 2024

  Clematis armandi, again, and while I usually object to vines endless wandering, I appreciate that this vine, put with those that hide the side of the above ground pool from our parking, has wandered high up on the right. Using the zoom lens made for that unclear photo. Always questions. Seems an ideal spot, with light shade, for this evergreen that I think is Skimmia japonica, yet the leaves are showing yellow. Not the finest choice for Skimmia, but this male is needed to get the brilliant red berries on the female.  Yet female has, apparently, died, so little show at all.  The Pieris 'cavantine' is really at its best, and may not get any whiter. The Edgeworthia is faded and its leaf buds are opening.  Camellia japonica 'Red Jade' is close to its best. And the Corylopsis next to it is shedding blooms like it is snowing.  The main perennial bed is full of emerging greenery, and not too many items in bloom. But the screen that hides the pool sides from where we ...