
Showing posts from January, 2024

Bog Turtle's Garden- Jan. 2024

 Still going strong at this strange time of year. Mahonia 'Charity'. Once again the Hamamelis or Witch Hazels are blooming. This variety is called 'Pallida'. I repeat myself, but some day the developers will put forward one with these little spider-like blooms and no leaves left. I photographed one twig that is leafless. Leaf retention is enough that I would not recommend many sorts.  A real sense of humor is needed, as one sort in the trio at one end of the lawn is 'Robert'. It blooms with rather intense red-orange flowers and never retains leaves. A month ago a fully grown pine fell from the woods directly on 'Robert', smashing it. And it will take me a while to get the pine off the little tree. Then the smashed remains will never have the normal looking branching. Oh, well. Move on. The Wintersweet is living up to its name and almost completely in bloom.  A few blooms on the rangy Winter blooming Honeysuckle. Three types are here. Lonicera fragrantiss...