Bogturtle's Garden- November 2023

Snip taken of a stopped video. First time I ever saw what I think is one momma Raccoon with four kits. Real limits on ability to post. A rule is broken here, in that I try never to use photos from other years, but even getting out to show this singular clone of the American Witch Hazel is difficult. The photo is from some other Fall. Usually the American Witch Hazel blooms with the little spidery flowers obscured by the Fall leaves. This clone has lost its leaves, so the flowers are much easier to see. Hamamelis virginica 'August Moon'. Nothing new but this Fothergilla 'Mt. Airey' is always so spectacular in Fall. Every year I recall that when I bought Fothergilla 'Blue Shadow', for the beautiful silvery blue foliage, the seller said I should not expect much in the way of Fall color. But it always turns this soft orange and very nice. The classic Oak Leaved Hydrangea, the species a American native, is this clone released by Princeton U, here in New Jersey. ...