Bogturtles Garden- October 2023
Always the classic Morning Glory, and dependably late in showing up, here. Perhaps earlier blooming strains exist. But here we have the typically late show from 'Heavenly Blue'. And, as I have said many times, the other sorts here form seed for me. Never this sort. Colchicum 'Waterlily' was growing at the front of the house until a new water line had to be installed. It was lost, somehow, then. Efforts being made to re-establish it have not worked, while the plant is perfectly hardy in this zone. Here we try again. Three bulbs were potted up in this pot, and the more expensive and rarer white flowered sort was put in another pot. Two of these have bloomed and the white sort totally failed. I informed the supplier, and expect no response, not having reciepts to show. And the bulbs are hard to find on the market. After blooming, these two will be moved where they might grow. In the shade of the Holly tree, as we leave the house for the vehicles, this Aster is blooming ...