Bogturtle's Garden- August 16 to end, 2023
It's baaack! I was so annoyed with how the Trumpet Vine makes a pest of itself that I tried to eliminate Bignonia radicans 'Jersey Peach'. It is a really pleasant color, and did look fine on the end pole of the pool deck, but sprouts, and, or seedlings, were everywhere. So I used herbicide and that was about 8-10 years ago. That end pole is supporting Rose 'Winner's Circle', Lonicera tellmanniana, or Tellmann's Honeysuckle, and more of the white flowered Perennial Pea. So, all these years, it has survived among this competition, without me noticing. New Jersey's State Bird, and for years they seldom visited the special feeder. It has attractive yellow, so the Goldfinches notice, and they are everywhere in the neighborhood. Even visiting the regular bird feeder. Aggressive Purple Finches, both nice looking and sweetly singing, are here, also. They bully other birds that try to share the regular feeder with them, even though the other birds are bigger....