Bogturtle's Garden- Nov. 16 to end, 2022
Cold temperatures, without much frost yet, really have set back some Morning Glories and other plants, but these Red Double Knockout Roses are two of many that look fine. A plant that rivals the common 'Burning Bush' Eunymous alata (I think) for brilliance, if grown in day long sun, Enkianthus perulatus is shown here, getting maybe half a day Sun back into the border near the little pool. Contrasting nicely with the green of a truly southern shrub, the TiTi or Cyrilla that has been given the species name 'arida' because it seems to do well on drier land than most other species. A famous source of nectar for honeybees, down South, but it just doesn't bloom for me, but I think it is quite evergreen. Cyrilla arida, then. Not confident this Enkianthus shrub will hold these brilliant leaves much longer, although they should turn before falling. If it looks better, I will delete this photo and put the more brilliant one here. So Mahonia 'Winter Sun'...