Bogturtle's Garden- Sept. 1- 30, 2022
Bignonia 'Madame Galen', a Trumpet Vine is growing in a Holly Tree at one end of the pool. Growing here, for several years, and finally a few blooms. A terrible invasive, but so beautiful I allow it there. This hybrid between the American Species, confusingly either Bignonia or Campsis radicans and the Chinese species, B or C grandiflora is named 'Madame Galen' and then either B or C tagliabuana. What a mess. This is the other Bignonia on the property. Bignonia capreolata, the Crossvine. One pole at one end of the pool deck and blooming just a few flowers at a time all Summer, after that massive Spring bloom. The above 3 taken with my iphone are not as crystal clear as I get with my little Finepix Camera or the trail cameras. The last photo is of a Morning Glory, 'Orange Noah'. Once more confusion. Some call it Ipomea coccinea or Convolvulus coccineus. Definitely orange, but the seller did not tell that the blooms are no more than a half inch across. I was sur...